Ski early booking deals

Cheaper, more availability and keeping the best guarantees. Take advantage of discounts at the best hotels in Andorra by booking in advance. Discounts included in the price

Cheaper, more availability and keeping the best guarantees. Take advantage of discounts at the best hotels in Andorra by booking in advance. How? Book your ski package for the 2021-2022 season before october 30 and enjoy your stay saving up to a 20%.

What else? You only have to pay 10% on the day of booking. Pay the rest when you decide. (max. 20 days before the entrance date.) "OK ... What if I book for and there's still no snow?" Don't worry! If you book a hotel with "snow guarantee" you can cancel or modify the dates of the reservation without any cost.

Moreover, our 100% refund guarantee Covid 19 allows you to cancel for free and receive a full refund of your reservation. And if you simply change your plans, you can cancel your reservation for free up to 2 days in advance.

More information? Call us and one of our experts will be happy to help you.

You are in good hands
34 years of experience, more than 100 destinations and more than 1 million customers.
Save when you book your Package
More for less. Take advantage of the many benefits of booking your package.
Pay in easy instalments
Book your trip in advance without spending too much.
You will love your holiday
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